A few years ago, some of my Carmelite brothers and I came across a book of profound spiritual insight. We all wanted to read it and talk about it, but it was nearly 600 pages, long out of print and all we could find was a single copy. After months of searching to no avail I set out to make copies for the brothers in our house. Then, a few more brothers were interested and one suggested that I make it available for sale on Amazon. Within a year, over 300 copies sold. While this may not be much by modern publishing standards, it taught me a significant lesson and showed that people are still longing for and finding value in this forgotten work.
There are hundreds more just like it-forgotten masterpieces that, for all intents and purposes, are dead, nearly inaccessible and undiscoverable for most people. Modern and digital technology, though, has taken us to places where the printing press is obsolete. There is no reason for any book to remain out of print, or even hard to find. But with on-demand printing technologies and digital formats, it literally costs nothing to have a book ready and at hand at affordable pricing. Each of these titles is available for purchasing direct, simply click "Order," or through Amazon. If you come across any Spiritual work that is out of print, and no longer copyrighted, please let me know. |
The Carmelite Directory of the Spiritual LifeOne of the modern masterworks of Carmelite Spirituality, The 'Spiritual Directory' is the most comprehensive accumulation of the spiritual traditions, experiences and practices of the Carmelite Order. Drawing heavily on the spiritual lives and works of many Carmelite Saints (Mary Magdelene De Pazzi, Michael of St. Augustine, John of St. Sampson, Father Dominic of St. Albert, Father Maurus of the Child Jesus, Father Michael de la Fuente, as well as Theresa of Jesus, and John of the Cross), the Directory was prepared as a tool for preparing and training novices in the Order, but more than a practical training manual, it captures the essence of living the Carmelite way of life and stands alone as a unique work in understanding Carmelite Spirituality. If one wants to know what it means to be 'Carmelite' this is the place to begin.
Life in CarmelIn October, 1932, the novice-masters of the Carmelite Order held a convention in Rome for the purpose of establishing uniformity in the training of novices." 'Life in Carmel' (Vita Carmelitana) is the product of this gathering and remains one of the most profound presentations of modern Carmelite spirituality. In many ways, it can be seen as a precursor, and the foundation for the later production of the Spiritual Directory.
The Flaming ArrowThe Ignea Sagitta (The Flaming Arrow) is one of the earliest and most significant documents of the The Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel (the Carmelites). This edition includes an English translation and introduction by Bede Edwards, OCD, using the critical edition from Andrew Staring, O.Carm.