Fr. Kendall Ketterlin
is an author and former campus minister preparing for ordination to the Roman Catholic Priesthood. After spending three years as a brother with the Order of Carmelites, he is currently in transition to joining a diocesan seminary. Growing up and theologically educated under the Spirit of Vatican II, Kendall has found great inspiration in the council’s call to both an attention to the social conditions of our time and a return to the sources of our faith. In addition to his original works on social justice and spirituality, Kendall has also devoted significant time to re-publishing out of print spiritual masterpieces, bringing these hard to find works into modern print and electronic media. His latest project, Carmel’s Way, is a commentary on the Carmelite Rule, interpreting the wisdom of this quintessential way of life into a contemporary context and adapting its teachings for families, diocesan priests and others living outside the vowed life of the Carmelite Order. |
Spiritual DirectionKendall's first book ever published was Remembering God: The story of a volunteer and Hurricane Katrina, recounts the months that he spent in Louisiana and Mississippi after Katrina. His second book, God and Washington, is an introduction to Catholic Social Teaching.
Carmel's WayReflections on the Carmelite Rule, the quintessential letter of St. Albert of Jerusalem which has lead Christians to a life in allegiance with Christ and the Perfection of Love for more than 800 years, bringing the tenants of this ancient Way of Life into the 21st Century.
At the heart is a Way of Life that leads us to stand in the presence of the One who Loved us first and in a most perfect way; and to be transformed into one who loves more perfectly. |